Kayla Itsines Workout Week 1

I am so excited to start Kayla Itsines BBG workout guide!

I just recently purchased the Kayla Istines Beach Body workout guide and nutrition guide and can’t wait to start documenting my transformations. The beach body guide is a 12 week process, every 4 weeks I will be documenting my experience.

My first week started on  07/21/2014.

The first week was pretty tough as I haven’t really done these circuit workouts before. It is definitely a challenge but who doesn’t love a challenge right!?!

At the moment I may look lean, however, I am missing that muscle definition.

My goal is to increase muscle tone, strength, and overall well being.

My Starting Pics:





6 thoughts on “Kayla Itsines Workout Week 1

  1. Pingback: Kayla Istines Workout Week 4

  2. Levi

    HI, I am thinking about starting the bikini body workout and was wondering what your diet was like? Do you have three main meals and snacks in between?

    1. caragcarag Post author

      Hi Girl! I bought Kayla’s nutrition guide. It has specifications for each meal which is a great reference to use when making food. And yes, I have 3 main meals and 2 snacks xo

  3. Pingback: Kayla Itsines BBG Week 12 | BubblyXo

  4. Sabri

    Hey! I was wondering if you you knew if the workout is posted for free online! Like I found the most of the workouts for monday, Wednesday, and friday. But I was wondering if there are workoust for tuesday and thursday, saturday and sundays or these days rest days?


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