Tag Archives: pottery barn

Getting Organized 101 With Pottery barn

bubblyxo_getting organized

So, this weekend it rained ALL weekend! Which is great for SO many reasons…but here are a few:

1) We are in a major drought in California

2) Get Organized!

3) Browse the web and shop online

I love the feeling of being organized and having everything clean… However, I hate the beginning… You know that feeling of “where the heck do I start?”

So, as it was raining there were no excuses or putting it off. One of the things I dislike the most is laundry, putting it in the washer and the dryer are the fun parts but folding and putting away are the worst! A few things that helped was a grande Green Tea from Starbucks and music music music… It helps trust me!

I threw away like 3 big bags of trash and it felt SO GOOD!

Pottery Barn put together some great tips for organizing, check them out here:




*All pictures in this article are from Pottery Barn

It’s almost spring time, perfect timing for some spring cleaning!
