Author Archives: carag

Berry Delight



I LOVE berries! Not only do they taste amazing but they are so good for you!

There are many amazing benefits of berries but to name a few:

Berries help with sun protection – The antioxidants found in berries can protect you from free radicals and premature aging of the skin.

Flavonoid-packed berries, such as blueberries and raspberries may aid in cancer prevention.

Berries are high in fiber ;)


Fat Burner – The red coloring contains anthocyanins, which stimulate the burning of stored fat. The compound nitrate found in strawberries promotes blood flow and oxygen in our body, that’s a plus for weight loss.


Heart Health – Blueberries contain high levels of compounds that may help widen arteries, which counters the plaque buildup that generally causes heart attacks.


Blackberries are high in fiber and helps with digestion and may help lower your cholesterol levels, which fights cardiovascular disease. The vitamin A in blackberries also helps your digestive tract by  maintaining healthy mucous membranes, such as the tissues that line the inside of your mouth. Each cup of raw blackberries provide 308 IU of vitamin A.

A great way to start consuming some this amazingness is to add some to your breakfast.

It is such a good habit to start the day off with fruit.


Weekend Recap – Kona’s Birthday!


They Melt My Heart <3


Kona’s First Birthday!


We celebrated Kona’s 1st Birthday last weekend. We invited over the family dogs and just celebrated this adorable babe’s bday.

Obviously, it was a crushcakes, bone and balls filed birthday party :)

Kona is an English Staffordshire Bull Terrier most people confuse this breed with a pit bull and although they may look similar they are actually different (do your research).

They were actually voted the number 1 dog to have by the dailymail. Many people are scared of these dogs but it is honestly how they are raised. Any dog that has been abused or experiences no love will grow to be aggressive.

Back in the day the English Staffordshire Bull Terrier was known as the nanny dog for their protective instincts and love and caring nature.

This guy sleeps with us in the BED! And yes he takes up the whole bed but I love sleeping with him, he is a major cuddle bunny.

My Hubby and I definitely think the world of our dogs and try to give them the best life possible.

Lulu’s 1st birthday a couple years ago


from my instagram page.

Anyways, that was my fun filled weekend. What was yours like?
