Author Archives: carag

My Weekend Recap



{Hiking with my beautiful sister and our hubbies}

You know those weekends where you feel like your on vacation in your own town!?! Well, I had one of those weekends – totally mellow, relaxing, and ahhhh. It feels so good to take a step back and just breathe.

What was your weekend like?


Grapefruit Health Benefits

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I absolutely love grapefruit!

This is one powerful superfood, not only is it high in vitamin C but among SO MANY other benefits this fruit has a fat burning enzyme!

Some of the amazing health benefits:

Breast Cancer: A study found that the bioflavonoids found in grapefruit was discovered to halt cancer cells from spreading in breast cancer patients by getting rid of the excess estrogen found in the body.

Weight Loss: Like I said, this fruit has a fat burning enzyme that can help absorb and reduce the starch and sugar in the body.

Pregnant Women: The bioflavonoids and VIt. C found in grapefruit help to reduce the water weight and swelling

A Cold: Grapefruit can help prevent you from getting sicky with a cold…The vitamins and minerals found in grapefruit give your immune system a boost.

You honestly could write a book on this fruit there are SO many benefits!
