Author Archives: carag

Motivation Thursday!



Sorry folks I have been MIA for about a week :| So I changed this week’s motivation Monday quote to a motivation Thursday quote :D So excited for the weekend and EASTER EASTER EASTER!

So, going back to the quote… It is so easy to get into a habit of whining, complaining, and wishing. The only way to get to where you want to go in life is to START – MOVE – ACTION and the list goes on ha! Anywayz everyone gets stuck in a rut feeling like they are spinning around in a hamster wheel BUT no you can change that…Attitude is everything.

Well thats my spiel for the day



Even Marilyn Monroe Worked Out!

marilyn monroe_picture



I came across this article and had to share! Marilyn Monroe was such an inspiration to many women and still is. She embraced her curves and exuberated success and confidence. Those beautiful curves didn’t come for free, she incorporated daily workouts as well as a healthy diet. Gotta work for that bootay!

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