Author Archives: carag

Drink Your Water Peeps!

drink your water

It is starting to feel more and more like summer here in Cali and it’s only March…Bikini season came early :D

Drinking water can def help you achieve your perfect bikini bod.

We love our Mackenzie Childs water dispenser gifted to us by my wonderful mother in-law. Using a large dispenser helps keep track of your water intake.

Add lemon and cucumber or any fruit or herbs for taste and detoxifying aspects.

Here are the water facts you must know:

Drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of fluid a day

Water suppresses your appetite, so you don’t eat as much

Drinking water flushes those nasty toxins from your body and prevents constipation

Don’t let those muscles shrivel up! Muscles need fluids to properly function. Water helps carry oxygen to the cells of your bod/muscles

Your skin will thank you. Water can help shrink pores and give you that glowing complexion

Ok, folks…If your pee is NOT clear DRINK UP!



A Daily Reminder On How to Deal With Mean People…


We all know some unkind people… In the heat of the moment it’s hard to understand why people can be so mean, right!?! Remember, anyone who is not a nice/kind person is probz riddled with insecurities and have many problems of their own…So instead of being a mean person like them, be a kind person. You may shed some light on their lives :)

Smile :)



Getting Organized 101 With Pottery barn

bubblyxo_getting organized

So, this weekend it rained ALL weekend! Which is great for SO many reasons…but here are a few:

1) We are in a major drought in California

2) Get Organized!

3) Browse the web and shop online

I love the feeling of being organized and having everything clean… However, I hate the beginning… You know that feeling of “where the heck do I start?”

So, as it was raining there were no excuses or putting it off. One of the things I dislike the most is laundry, putting it in the washer and the dryer are the fun parts but folding and putting away are the worst! A few things that helped was a grande Green Tea from Starbucks and music music music… It helps trust me!

I threw away like 3 big bags of trash and it felt SO GOOD!

Pottery Barn put together some great tips for organizing, check them out here:




*All pictures in this article are from Pottery Barn

It’s almost spring time, perfect timing for some spring cleaning!


Quote Of The Day!




Did you get your workout in today? If yes, then great way to go! If not, remember to squeeze in a little mini 20 min sweat. I swear you won’t regret it ;) I went for a 30 min hike then ran for 15 min and then did some at home barre workouts. What was your workout?

Happy Hump Day!