Author Archives: carag

What is healthy living, you ask?



Healthy living is pretty simple. Not to say it’s easy but just like anything good in life you have to work for it.

The simple facts of living healthy:

1. Positive Thinking – A major must because the mind controls everything. Not having a positive mindset can lead to things like laziness, depression, being overweight, and basically sucking at life.

2. Feel Good – This is the result of positive thinking. We/humans have downer days… that is normal – but don’t let it be a habit. Pick yourself up!

3. Regular Exercise – omgomgomgomg exercise is the shiz! Like can’t live without it.

4. Eat Better – Making healthy choices makes a huge different in your life. So many peeps think they can eat anything they want because they just burned it off at the gym…bahaha ya right! Next joke. You gotta eat right to live right ;)

Until next time,


The Best Women’s Multivitamin

The best multivitamin


I totally agree with the philosophy of getting your vitamins through your food, however, not everyone has the luxury of keeping tabs on how many MG of Vitamin C we had today, right!?!

That being said…I love the NEWCHAPTER® Multivitamin. Some of the reasons why:

1. It’s Organic

2. The Vitamin A is 100% Beta-carotene

3. They have combined the best vitamins and minerals for optimal health instead of just focusing on nutrient deficiencies

What do you take as a multi? Share, share share


Remember… Success Is Not Overnight


I know sometimes it may feel like you are doing your best to get in shape and be the best version of yourself but feeling like it is taking forever!?!

Well, it is a lifestyle change.

If you want to be fit it is seriously a way of life. Working out should be a no brainer like taking a shower, or brushing your hair/teeth… It should be your daily to-do…

Sometimes in my MegaFormer Pilates (will do a post on this soon) class I am d-y-i-n-g thinking “why the heck am I doing this craziness”!?! But after you feel amazing and overtime you see results and the hard work pay off!

Keep working hard because you won’t regret it.
