Tag Archives: health

Probiotics Health Benefits

Probiotics Health Benefits


Probiotics – Everyone should be taking them.

There are SO MANY reasons why this wonder supplement is so beneficial


To name a few:

Wards off illnesses – Fights any sort of flu ranging from the common cold to food poisoning

Fights Cancer – Say what!?! Yup, it inhibits the growth of tumors and several different types of cancers.

Improves women’s health – Say goodbye to any vaginal probz. Probiotics helps maintain a healthy PH balance and fights yeast infections

Keeps that digestive flow flowing – It will keep you regular

Enhances nutrient production and absorption – Produces B vitamins, improves glucose metabolism, iron absorption…the list goes on

General Health Benefits – balances those hormones of ours, helps keep good mood and mental health, and increases sleep quality

You can read more here

I recommend this one and this one

Please note: I am not a doctor so before you take anything check with your own health care professional


Basic Principles Of Clean Eating

Basic Principles Of Eating Clean


Opting for a healthier lifestyle? Well, you gotta start somewhere right!?! Following the basic principles listed above will get you on the right road to clean eating. Let me explain each principle:

Eat Whole Foods:  Foods that are free from nasty chemicals like additives and artificial substances and minimal been processing or refining have been performed.

Avoid Process Foods: So this principle is similar to the one above…stay away from nasty chemically enhanced foods…For example that yucky kraft cheese…

Eliminate Refined Sugar: One of the main ingredients of most breads and pastries…yuck

Eat 5-6 Small Meals a Day: The rule of thumb is to eat 5-6 meals the size of your fist… So many benefits to this but to name a few… It benefits your metabolism as well as not getting that sicky feeling from being a piggy…

Cook Your Own Meals: So important, I can’t emphasize it enough. When you cook your own foods you know WTF your putting into it. When eating out at restaurants they want you to enjoy the food and to come back for more… However you probz have no clue that they are dumping MSG and other sicky oils and crap into your food just for the taste!?! You get my purnt…

Keep a Balanced Diet: Play the game of a lil bit of this and a lil bit of that and you will be golden…Fruit, veggies, healthy carbs, protein, and WATER ;)
